Welding classes build new fences
August 29, 2021

Over the years, the welding classes in the Kokomo Area Career Center have worked on many different projects, helping many schools, companies and the Kokomo community. This year, the welding classes have been working on a project for a local elementary school. They are making fences for Pettit Park.
This project is actually scholarship based. Different grades are in charge of different roles in this project. Freshman in the welding class are working on learning to weld. Sophomores, juniors and seniors are building and powder coating the project.
Eve Spencer , a sophomore, enjoys being a part of this project because it is “ hands on life experience for our resumes.” Spencer feels that welding has become a passion over the years instead of just a class she has been taking. She loves welding and these types of projects make her feel like she can be prepared for the world that she will be going into after high school.
But this is not the first time the welding classes have worked on a project like this.
“We have made fences before,” said student Haylen Shrader. “It is a really good learning experience for the second years.” Shrader also said this is one of the biggest projects the class has done due to the amount of time they have spent on it. They’ve been working on the fences for Pettit Park for about a year and a half.