Even though the marching band season ended in the fall, many members of the band continue to participate in indoor activities. KHS has two indoor ensembles that compete in the winter months: indoor winds and winter percussion. This year, the indoor winds ensemble is working to defend their state title. The group is on the right path, placing first at their first two competitions. This year’s show is titled “Until We Meet Again.”
“It is centered around the grief of losing a loved one alongside the hope of seeing them again one day,” said director Justin Ekstrom. “Our source music is Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin and See You Again by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth.”
Despite focusing on fundamentals like they have in previous years, this year’s show is a little different.
“This year is different in a few ways. Thematically, our recent shows have been dark – nightmares, wolves and anger. This year’s theme forces the students to become more introspective and vulnerable,” Ekstrom said. “Additionally, this is our largest recruiting class since 2021, so we have many students who are new to the activity.”
For Ekstrom, seeing the students grow and work toward their ultimate goal is the best part.
“My favorite thing about directing indoor winds is getting to see students experience the results of their hard work knowing that they accomplished something that was out of their reach,” he said.
The indoor percussion ensemble started their season Feb. 15 at Norwell High School where they placed third in their division. This year’s show is called “The Office.” Senior Miles Fairchild describes the show as being about the process of getting fired from your dead end 9-5 job and pursuing a career in something that you enjoy.
“There are some parts that are busy and exciting, but there are also sad and lonely sections,” said director Brandon Anderson. “We hope to be able to show a lot of different emotions through our performance. The music is based on Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and the song “Fred Jones Pt 2″ by Ben Folds.”
Even though the group is smaller than they have been in previous years, they are working hard to achieve their goals.
“This year, our band is quite small, with only 10 members,” said senior Lukah Kindcaid.”This has not stopped us from having successes, and lots of fun.”
Freshman Leo Serra is new to indoor percussion, but he is already enjoying the experience.
“My favorite part of indoor percussion has probably been making new friends,” he said. “Everyone has been very encouraging at helpful to me, as a freshman who didn’t know much about indoor before joining.”
Community members can see both the indoor winds and indoor percussion ensembles, as well as other performing arts groups at the Performing Arts Winter Showcase on Thursday, March 20 at KHS.
“This is a great opportunity to see our musical extracurricular competitive groups under one roof,” Ekstrom said.