JAG students plan pie-in-the-face fundraiser

Abbi Ankrom, Reporter

The Kokomo High School JAG (Jobs for America’s Graduates) class is having a fundraiser to help them purchase club shirts and fund  do group activities. The fundraiser will begin March 22.

Students will have the opportunity to vote on which faculty member gets pied. The faculty member who comes in second will be the one to throw the pie. Students can cast votes for Mr. Pinson, Mr. Hyman, Ms. Magnuson, Mr. Susong, Mr. Spear or Mr. Wonnell. Each vote costs $1 and students can vote as many times as they want. JAG students will be collecting money during both lunches the week of March 22-25.

After second lunch on Thursday, March 25, the JAG students will count the money and determine the staff member who will be pied. They will record the event and post it on Friday, March 26 via school social media. The video will also be played on the screens during 1st and 2nd lunch on Friday for students to enjoy right before spring break.