KHS makes in-person schedule changes

Kaitlyn Fink, Reporter

This school year, things have been pretty different due to Covid-19 changes. Kokomo High School has decided to partake in the e-learning program to help stop the spread of the virus. Breaks and other school days have been turned into e-learning for the safety of students. Learning from home is a good way to prevent contact and virus spread, without causing too much of a disruption to the learning process. 

E-learning will take place Monday, Nov. 23 and Tuesday, Nov. 24, with remote learning happening Wednesday, Nov.25. E-learning will continue the week after Thanksgiving break, Monday, Nov. 30-Friday, Dec. 4. All school days designated as e-learning will follow the same schedule.

Period 1- 8:00-8:25 am

Period 2- 8:35-9:00 am

Period 3- 9:10-9:35 am

Period 4- 9:45-10:10 am

Period 5- 10:20-10:45 am

Period 6- 10:55-11:20 am

Period 7- 11:30-11:55 am

Office Hours- 12:35-2:45 pm

Vice principal Michael Susong is in charge of the students who are in the virtual program. Susong feels that “e-learning has gone very well so far.” E-learning is done primarily through Canvas this year. Students also have access to live chats with teachers using Webex. Other teachers just choose to put assignments up on Canvas and set a specific deadline. For Susong, there are many positives to e-learning

“One of positives of e-learning is that students are still able to get an education while they are at home,” he said. 

Many KHS teachers are using Canvas and Webex in the classroom, so their students are ready when the switch to e-learning happens.

I think a true opportunity is at the heart of the positive and negative aspect of e-learning.  Students must choose to be consistence with their attendance.  Student must choose their level of participation,” said teacher Tim Haberfield. “What I have seen is students that participate by unmute their microphones and ask questions, or answer questions, ask questions through the chat in Webex or answer class questions in the chat, or e-mail me questions have done a great job with e-learning.” 

With so many options for class time, students should make sure they are checking in with their teachers every day so they don’t miss a Webex class chat or an assignment.